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Obamacare enrollment up 50,000 versus last year, CMS says

Over one million people selected plans between Nov. 1, when open enrollment began, to Saturday, Nov. 12, CMS said.

Susan Morse, Executive Editor

This year, 53,000 more consumers signed up for Obamacare than did last year during the first 12 days of open enrollment, according to figures released Wednesday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Over one million people selected plans between Tuesday, Nov. 1, when open enrollment began, to Saturday, Nov. 12, CMS said.

Of the 1,008,281 making net plan selections since the start of the month, 246,433 were new consumers and 761,785 were renewing coverage.

Most consumers can find a plan for $75 or less per month, according to Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell. Coverage starts January 1.

[Also: Tom Price being considered for HHS secretary]

President-elect Donald Trump has campaigned on a promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

"The American people are demonstrating how much they continue to want and need the coverage the Marketplace offers, and we are encouraging all Americans who need health insurance for 2017 to visit or their state Marketplace and check out their options," Secretary Burwell said in a released statement.

Trump is expected to soon name a new HHS secretary, with Rep. Tom Price, R-Georgia, the latest to come under consideration.

Enrollment accelerated on November 9, the day after the election, as CMS launched additional outreach, the agency said. Over 300,000 people selected plans between Wednesday, Nov. 9 and Friday, Nov. 11.

[Also: Day after Trump elected, ACA enrollment surges]

CMS said it expects to release open enrollment numbers every two weeks. This year, week one was only five days long. Enrollment weeks are measured Sunday through Saturday.

HHS said it would produce more detailed reports that look at plan selections across the marketplace during the latter part of the enrollment period, which ends Dec. 15. 

Twitter: @SusanJMorse