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Los Angeles VA to expand solar energy initiatives

The VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System has been awarded $50 million to expand solar panels on rooftop buildings and carports in support of energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives.

The Los Angeles VA has received more funding for energy projects than any other regional system in the Department of Veterans Affairs, primarily due to the medical center’s strategic location, said VAGLAHS director Donna Beiter.

“We are extremely proud to be a renewable energy leader in the healthcare community and look forward to reducing our electrical consumption by implementing clean solar projects,” Beiter said. “Our veterans are reacting positively to the solar panel projects, and we love hearing that.”

Beiter said the annual average energy savings could be in excess of $1.7 million. In addition, considerable rebate incentives will be provided by utility companies.

The expansion of solar projects includes three Los Angeles-area VA campuses: West Los Angeles Medical Center, Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center and the Los Angeles Ambulatory Care Center.

Robert Benkeser, the VAGLAHS' chief of facilities management, said future energy efficiency plans include additional buildings and carports with solar panels.

“The current federal mandate is to reduce energy intensity by 30 percent by 2015 and increase the use of clean renewable energy. We feel extremely confident that we will reach that mandate,” said Benkeser.

The VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System is the largest health system within the Department of Veterans Affairs. It consists of three ambulatory care centers, a tertiary care facility and 10 community based outpatient clinics. There are 1.4 million veterans in the GLA service area.