

Many in Kentucky support repeal but benefit under state-branded program of ACA
Aug 24, 2017 | Michael McAuliff, Kaiser Health News
The ACA gave states the option to put their own stamp on the law and Kentucky was the ...
Skinny repeal fails as McCain defects in dramatic early-morning vote
Jul 28, 2017 | Michael McAuliff, Kaiser Health News
Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Susan Collins, R-Maine, cast the two other Republican ...
McConnell has $200 billion for deals to get votes on Senate healthcare bill
Jul 05, 2017 | Michael McAuliff, Kaiser Health News
With a $133 billion in deficit reduction needed and CBO score of $321 billion in savings, ...
Analysis: Key dates in McConnell's healthcare bill appear to provide cover for lawmakers
Jun 28, 2017 | Michael McAuliff, Kaiser Health News
McConnell's 'Better Care Reconciliation Act' appears to ...