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See what hospitals got from CMS in the $1.5 billion Medicare disputed claims payout

Top among them was NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, which received $16 million.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Monday released a detailed breakdown of just how much each hospital got out of the $1.5 billion CMS paid to settle Medicare billing disputes.

Top among them was NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, which received $16 million.

[Also: CMS pays hospitals $1.5 billion in disputed claims]

The payout was tied to thousands of Medicare claims on patients admitted on or before Oct. 1, 2013 that were held up because of disputes over the billing.

The following list, released by CMS, shows the hospital-by-hospital breakdown of facilities receiving payments. The data includes the hospital, the number of claims and the total amount paid and is searchable by state.

Hospital State Claims Amount Paid
Hospital State Claims Amount Paid

Twitter: @HenryPowderly
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