Cognizant, Health Solutions Plus lauded by KLAS for their healthcare digital solutions
Both Cognizant and HSP scored high marks for adaptability, viewed as important in a landscape dominated by changing regulations.
Modern-day health plans have a lot on their plate. They wrestle with rapidly changing regulations, and deal with core claims and administration vendors that offer mediocre performance. There are, however, a handful of healthcare software and solutions firms are poised to improve this picture, according to a new KLAS report.
Cognizant garnered middle-of-the-road reviews from its clients despite unrivaled market share. Clients said there was a lot of room for improvement when it came to integration, ease of use and customer service, as well as basic implementation and training. Its investment in healthcare management services TriZetto was seen as a positive step toward delivering better products.
Health Solutions Plus is a much smaller vendor, but its clients gave it high marks for innovation. Their product was ranked as user-friendly and was generally regarded as progressive and visionary, often driven by client input. About 30 percent of their clients, however, say HSP can be tedious to deal with when it comes to contracts and pricing.
[Also: Navigant leads KLAS ranking of revenue cycle operations firms]
Both Cognizant and HSP scored high marks for adaptability, viewed by vendors as an important characteristic in a landscape dominated by changing state and federal regulations, payment models, government-sponsored health plans and the individual insurance exchange. Cognizant was noted for having a staff dedicated solely to meeting state and federal regulations, though some of its clients say more expertise is needed for certain states.
DST Health Solutions isn't faring as well with client satisfaction. In fact, according to KLAS, it has one of the most dissatisfied client bases in the market. Some of it clients view DST as configurable and reliable, but about one-third of those interviewed said they plan to leave, citing poor support, aging products and disappointment in new offerings.
Eldorado is in much the same boat. Its clients report, with frustration, that Eldorado has system bugs that negatively impact claims processing. Eldorado also doesn't offer business lines for government-sponsored health plans, and the product's instability keeps it from consistently meeting clients' needs.
Twitter: @JELagasse