
Information Technology

Humana CFO Susan Diamond
Dec 04 | Jeff Lagasse
Susan Diamond is wrapping up an 18-year career at Humana and will serve in an advisory role through the end of 2025.
Executives shaking hands
Oct 18 | Jeff Lagasse
Executives at the system level saw greater gains as compared to subsidiary hospital executives, survey shows.
Clinicians sitting around a board table
Sep 25 | Jeff Lagasse
Cardinal Health says the transaction is part of its effort to help community healthcare providers maintain their independence.
Hand pointing to a graph
Sep 03 | Jeff Lagasse
The company maintained a strong balance sheet, with $11 billion in cash and investments, and net assets of $10 billion.
Clinician typing at a computer
Aug 30 | Jeff Lagasse
Providers once again have access to patients' electronic medical records, the health system said.
Clinicians consulting a computer
Jul 26 | Jeff Lagasse
The reorganization is intended to clarify and consolidate these functions in a number of ways, HHS says.
Geisinger Medical Center
Jul 03 | Susan Morse
A class-action lawsuit has reportedly been filed against the Pennsylvania health system for the data breach.
Doctor in front of several computer screens.
Jun 24 | Susan Morse
Final rule disincentives include hospitals not being able to earn three quarters of the annual market basket increase.
Surescripts' Director of Product Marketing Terry Douglas
Jun 18 | Susan Morse
AHIP panelist Terry Douglas of Surescripts talks about what this means for payers, providers, pharma and others.
Three people working
May 28 | Susan Morse
Most of the layoffs involved positions at subsidiary enGen that provides back-office functions for health plans.
